Oregon Maternity Photographer | Kristy’s Beach Maternity Session

When I was first contacted by Kristy I was so excited. She had sent me a photo of this beautiful Sew Trendy maternity gown. Kristy wanted to do her maternity photos somewhere along the Oregon Coast. I knew Hug Point near Cannon Beach would be the perfect location for her maternity session. Kristy and her wonderful husband Joe are from Texas but are currently living in Portland for a few months. Hug Point is a short drive from Portland so it was the perfect beach for her maternity session.

It was a warm evening along the coast with a little bit of wind. Kristy is a make-up artist and her make-up was lovely. Kristy is absolutely gorgeous. She was born in Venezuela and has the cutest accent. Her dark hair and beautiful skin tone paired perfectly with this deep garnet red maternity gown. There was just enough wind that day at the beach for her gown to really flow.

portland maternity photographer, shannon hager photographyportland maternity photographer, shannon hager photographyOregon Maternity Photographer, Hug Point Cannon Beach, Shannon Hager PhotographyOregon Maternity Photographer, Hug Point Cannon Beach, Shannon Hager PhotographyOregon Maternity Photographer, Hug Point Cannon Beach, Shannon Hager Photography

Kristy and Joe’s Maternity session at Hug Point started up above the waterfall. There was a little bit of water running down, but not too much after such a dry summer. After taking a few above, we started doing photos down below the waterfall along the beach. Kristy looks amazing in every photo. And I’m sure you can tell, she is all baby!!

Oregon Maternity Photographer, Hug Point Cannon Beach, Shannon Hager PhotographyOregon Maternity Photographer, Hug Point Cannon Beach, Shannon Hager PhotographyOregon Coast Photographer, Oregon Beach Maternity, Hug PointWe continued walking down the beach stopping along some caves and walking along the path that is visible during low tides. Hug Point is an incredible beach and really a perfect place for photography sessions.

Oregon Coast Photographer, Oregon Beach Maternity, Hug PointIt began to get a little chilly, but Kristy really wanted to get her beautiful Maternity gown a little wet. Joe and Kristy enjoyed a lovely walk down the beach together. They are going to be amazing parents. I am so excited for them to meet their new baby in just a few weeks.

Oregon Coast Photographer, Oregon Beach Maternity, Hug PointOregon Coast Photographer, Oregon Beach Maternity, Hug PointCannon Beach Maternity Photography, Shannon Hager Photography, ORegon Beach MaternityCannon Beach Maternity Photography, Shannon Hager Photography, ORegon Beach MaternityCannon Beach Maternity Photography, Shannon Hager Photography, ORegon Beach MaternityThis beach Maternity session was beautiful from start to finish, mainly because Kristy is so gorgeous. She was glowing and looked fantastic. Maternity sessions along the Oregon Coast are always spectacular. The beach isn’t too far away from Portland, so I always suggest a beach session for my maternity clients.

Congratulations Kristy & Joe!