Portland Engagement Photographer | Farm Engagement Session Part One

This Portland Engagement Session was so amazing. It will take 2 blog posts to share all the beautiful images from Molly & Aaron’s Farm Engagement Session at Sauvie Island Farms. Molly & Aaron are the sweetest couple and they are really looking forward to their wedding on the farm in September. Aaron’s family owns and operates Sauvie Island Farms. This farm has been one of my favorite places in the Portland area to visit in the summer. We love to pick peaches here. The farm has been in the family for many generations and its incredible. When I was first contacted about their wedding I was so excited. We knew the farm would be the perfect place for their Engagement Session.

Molly and Aaron are so happy and in love. Molly is absolutely beautiful. The two of them have been dating for a few years and now are ready to spend the rest of their life together. We spent 2 hours on the farm. It was so much fun. The weather was perfect, there were still some peach blossoms on the trees and the farm was beautiful. I can’t wait to photograph their wedding on the farm in September.

portland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonYou have to love this little photo bomber.portland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonMolly’s Engagement ring is so beautiful and sparkly. Aaron custom designed the ring and it is lovely.portland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregonThis beautiful floral crown was created by the very talented Brenna Burnett Designs. If you are looking for a florist, she is amazing!portland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregon, brenna burnett designs floral crownportland engagement photographer, farm wedding oregon, brenna burnett designs floral crownCongratulations Molly & Aaron! I will be sharing Part Two | A Farm Engagement Session at Sauvie Island Farms later this week.