Portland Lifestyle Newborn Photographer | Sweet Baby Owen

Being a newborn photographer is one of the best things ever. I always look forward to meeting each new baby. This newborn session with handsome little Owen was so easy. Owen’s newborn session took place at his home with his admiring parents. Lifestyle, in-home newborn sessions are so relaxing and much more intimate. I love documenting all the snuggles and tiny moments. Owen was one sleepy baby during his session. He has the most perfect little lips and his cheeks are so precious. Owen’s nursery was so adorable. I loved the mountain theme and all the special touches his parents created. This little boy is so loved.

Sweet Baby Owen | Portland Lifestyle Newborn Photographer

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Congratulations, Owen is perfect!

Shannon Hager Photography offers Studio Newborn Sessions in her home studio and Lifestyle Newborn In Home Sessions are available throughout the Portland Metro Area and Vancouver. Newborn Sessions are best when done 7-10 days after birth so book early. To book your Newborn Session, please contact Shannon using the contact form here on the website, emailing shannonhagerphotography@gmail.com or calling 971-303-4503.

For more information, head here: Details or Portfolio